I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior on August 11, 2001 it was a Saturday night that I will never forget.  This night marks the most important decision of my life.  It changed everything.

Prior to this night, I had NO idea that I even needed a Savior. For some reason, I believed that as long as my good deeds outweighed my bad ones, that I was “okay” with God.  I didn’t know I was lost. In fact, I didn’t even know what “lost” meant (it means that your soul is lost, it has not been redeemed by God, it is bound for Hell. Read Romans 6:23).  You see, I was raised in church…within a devout Catholic family.  I knew about the Gospel, I knew that Jesus was born of a virgin, I knew that He suffered and died on the cross and that He rose from the dead; but I did not KNOW Him in my heart. I had never personally received the gift of His sacrifice.  There is a big difference between “knowing about” God and “knowing Him personally.”

But when we are in the valley, not on the mountain top, God has a way of reaching us.  I had lost my job in May on 2001 and I was in a real depression by August.  I could barely hold things together as the debt continued to build.  I was in desperate need of help.  And for the first time in 10 years, I called out to God to help me.  I was wondering at the time if He even knew my name, it had been so long since I had spoken to Him. He answered my prayers by sending my sister and her husband to my house on that Saturday night.  They took the Bible and showed my husband and me God’s amazing plan of salvation.

That night, I saw how my sins separated me from my creator and that Hell was the penalty for my sins. I learned that the reason that Christ came was to forgive me for my sins so that I could be redeemed (this gift is for the whole world. Read John 3:16). And in that moment on that fateful Saturday night, I knew that I wanted to know Him in my heart (not just my head), so my husband and I both gave my lives to Jesus Christ that night. Amazing that we were saved together!

I am Heaven bound! Not because I deserve it, no not at all, but because of the love of Jesus Christ. He died for me and forgave me and redeemed me; and I praise His holy name.

For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13
